Future Communities
Foundation Communities is in the midst of one of the largest affordable housing expansions in Austin’s history. Plans are underway for Foundation Communities to complete construction of several affordable communities located in various parts of Austin over the next three years.
This expansion will bring more than 1,000 new affordable homes to Austin for more than 2,000 lower-income Austinites, many of whom will transition directly out of homelessness. You can help by donating here.
Juniper Creek Apartments
110 units | Opening in 2025 at 11630 N. Lamar Blvd
Residents of this multi-family community will be able to access services at Laurel Creek Apartments next door, including the Learning Center, Open Door Preschool and food pantry. Several services and amenities will also be available on-site, including a full-time case manager and a plethora of kid- and pedestrian-friendly outdoor spaces.
The Interested List for Juniper Creek Apartments is now open.
Norman Commons Apartments
156 units | Opening in 2025 at 5712 Jackie Robinson St. Austin, TX 78721 in East Austin.
Norman Commons will be a 156-unit family property next to Norman-Sims Elementary. The community will include a Learning Center and Healthy Food Pantry. Sixteen of the apartments will be set aside for families who are at risk of homelessness. Norman Commons will also include affordable homeownership units that will be built by Austin nonprofit Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation.
The Interested List for Norman Commons is now open.
Communities in the Planning Stages
Burleson Studios | 104 units
Opening in 2026 at 7905 Burleson Rd in southeast Austin
Foundation Communities is excited to collaborate with Mobile Loaves and Fishes to build this supportive housing community for single adults within a new Community First! Village, a micro-home community. This village will include healthcare centers, a grocery store, and a variety of other businesses.
Lamar Square | Homes for more than 500 residents
Foundation Communities has acquired and is redeveloping a majority of the Mary Lee Foundation campus, located just west of South Lamar in Austin. This ambitious, multi-phase project known as Lamar Square will include high-quality, affordable housing for families, single adults and residents with disabilities, reflecting our commitment to creating diverse and thriving communities.
The redevelopment plan includes the renovation of select existing buildings, the demolition of outdated structures, and the construction of additional housing to expand capacity and meet community needs. The first phase of Lamar Square, The Bloom at Lamar Square, is set for completion in 2027.